Change logCRM

CRM: Map view optimized: Starting point can be set as desired

You can now define a location as the starting point for the map, for example. This ensures that the map remains focused on the area in which you want to assign and manage addresses.

Change logDashboards

Events Dashboards: Revenue column is now available again

The revenue column is now available again, so you can see relevant revenue at the event level at a glance.

Change logCRM

CRM: Lead assignment filter: You can search for leads to which no employee is assigned

You can now search for leads to which no employee is currently assigned. To do this, select the Assigned to filter with the value nobody.

Change logDashboardsEvents

Event Dashboard: Check-in by Supervisor

The label check-in by supervisor now checks the event user in again as usual.

Change logUser-Management

User import: Subcontractor users can now be imported directly

You can now import users (subcontractors) of your contractors. The FAQ on importing users has been updated. Read more here

Change logDashboardsTeams

Dashboard: Kundenlimitierung für Team-Name möglich

Du kannst nun auf Projektebene die Teams-Spalte für Deinen Kunden ausblenden lassen. So bleiben Deine Team-Namen intern.


CRM: When adding new entries, the number of residential units is checked

If your Door-2-Door promoter adds new entries to an address, it checks how much potential has already been created and whether this needs to be increased if necessary. This allows you to map cases in which you have only received insufficient running list data. This makes any statistics more meaningful, as you can always track the processing rate per address or object in EMPPLAN.

Change logDashboards

Dashboard: Team filter gets a new operator

The team filter is now also available with the operator is not available.

Change logProducts

Product import: Commission rules with team limits can now also be imported

You can now also create team-specific commission rules directly with the product import. Furthermore, commission rules are no longer duplicated if you accidentally perform the same product import multiple times. More about this here


EMPPLAN app: Success dashboard integrated for sales promoters

You can now also create KPI boxes for your promoters and salespeople in the KPI dashboard area. These are displayed to your employees directly in the EMPPLAN app in a new success dashboard. For example, you can publish anonymized rankings at daily, weekly and monthly level. You can also calculate, name and publish your own KPIs.

BookingChange logProducts

Warehouse management for event groups: Team leads or locations can be addressed for bookings

It is now possible to specify directly when booking on the event group from where stock is to be booked. Until now, the event user was always set here by default. Now any other user, e.g. a team lead or a location, can be selected if the goods are in stock directly at the location, for example.

Change logCRM

CRM: Transactions and the associated events can be automatically set to reporting accepted

Do you use the CRM / Door-2-Door widget? Then you can now set at project level that generated leads / sales (transactions) automatically receive the status Reporting accepted.

Breaking changeFeature
Change logCRM

CRM: Lead status and colors are now customizable

The lead status for CRM records is now customizable. You can define the colors of the lead status labels yourself. You can also add, activate or deactivate additional statuses at any time. There are changes at data level that affect the import. More about this here

AccountingChange log

X documents available for invoices and credit notes

Just in time for the start of the year, you now have access to X documents according to the current standard. If you create a credit note or your employees create an invoice, the appropriate X document is automatically created and sent.

BookingChange logEvents

Subcontractor management: Subcontractors can plan events for the locations assigned to them

Do you work with subcontractors? Then these can now be managed by the main contractor (subcontractor).


CRM: Lead status can be changed directly from the list

Lead statuses for door-2-door processes can now be changed directly in the list view with a click.

Change logEMPPLAN APPTransactions

Transactions: Order numbers can be checked for uniqueness in real time.

Can order numbers only appear once? Then use the new feature in the Transactions report type. Event users will no longer be able to create duplicates. Please note that the feature requires an online connection, otherwise it cannot prevent the reporting of a duplicate. Of course, the check is then carried out afterwards and duplicates are marked accordingly.

Change logProducts

Product import: team limitation for provisions available

Provisions can now be imported, which are limited to teams. Read more here.

AccountingChange log

New status for transactions: Review pending

A new status Review pending has been introduced for transactions. This replaces the previous status Ready to invoice

Change logCyber Security

Security: two-factor authentication for administrators

It is now possible for you to enable your administrators to log in to EMPPLAN using two-factor authentication. Common apps from e.g. Google or Microsoft can be used for this purpose.

Change logEMMPLAN IO APIEvent management

Connector module: Connection between EMPPLAN instances enables new collaboration processes

It is now possible to connect different EMPPLAN instances with each other. This enables new collaboration processes. For example, different agencies can work together in compliance with data protection regulations and implement projects together. Multi-level sales systems can also be mapped digitally, no matter how large your organization is and how many levels you need.

Change logProducts

Products: Filter options extended

Additional filters have been added to the product view: brand, product number and product type.

Change logReportingTransactions

Transactions: Order numbers can now be checked using the REGEX standard

Order numbers can now be checked using the REGEX standard. Read more about this in the Training Center.

Change logEMPPLAN APPTransactions

EMPPLAN App: Transactions: No price display if no values are available

Transaction reporting no longer generates (subtotals) totals based on product prices if you have not entered any prices. This allows you to operate the EMPPLAN app in a relaxed manner together with end customers and map processes that have nothing to do with the sale of goods and services.

Change logReportingTransactions

Reporting: Transactions: New filter options implemented

New filter options have been implemented. Numerous new data filters are now available, including project, time period, brand, event user, order number, duplicates based on order number, product, event status, billing status, product group, location, location group.

Change logUser-Management

User management: Specially created fields are available in the list view

Have you already added your own fields in the user profile? These are now also available in the table view. Simply use the column management to customize your view.

Change logEMPPLAN APPTransactions

Transactions: EMPPLAN CRM is here!

A CRM function has been added to the transaction reporting. The address data of the event location can be used for this if required. This new feature makes it even easier to implement lead generation projects for the marketing and pre-marketing of telecommunications, energy or photovoltaic services.

Change logEMPPLAN APPMessenger

EMPPLAN app: Event users can open a messenger channel with project managers

As soon as the project managers are stored on the project in the Communication tab, EMPPLAN app users can create a messenger channel for their events so that enquiries can be made quickly and efficiently. The project managers (usually admins) are notified live and can respond immediately.

Change logProduct groupsProdukt management

Product Management: Product groups can now be nested

Product groups can now be nested as often as required, e.g. household appliances –> large appliances –> freezers.

Change logReportingTime reports

Managenent report: Time reports converted to decimal times

All time periods are now consistently output in decimal form. One hour and 30 minutes now corresponds to the value 1.5.

Change logDashboardsEMPPLAN APP

EMPPLAN app: Event users can now see their today’s event directly on the dashboard

EMPPLAN app users can now access all relevant appointments (events) for the current day directly via their dashboard.

Change logEvents

Events: Checked-in times can now be corrected

Checked-in times can now be corrected. Manual booking items can now be added that correct the working time and also correct the remuneration claim if remuneration by time is defined in the project commissions.

Change logEMPPLAN APPTransactions

Transactions: Note field problem in case of a mandatory field fixed

Fixed a problem with the note field that occurred when it was configured as a mandatory field.

Change logReporting

Report management: Fields can now be hidden for event users after submitting the report

In the editing mode of a report, it is now possible to configure at field level in “Field appearance for event users” that specific fields can no longer be viewed by the user after the report has been submitted. This increases the level of data protection so that, for example, end customer data can only be viewed by sales staff for as long as necessary.

Change logDashboards

Customer dashboard: Events: Times of event status changes are now available

In addition to the check-in and check-out times, all other times for all other event statuses are now also available.

Change logTransactions

Transactions: Reporting time available as a data point

The reporting time is now also available in the transaction export. This makes it easier to evaluate the performance of events that go beyond midnight.

Change log

Filter behavior optimized

The filter behaviour obove tables has been further optimized. If only one operator is available, this is selected automatically. Depending on the filter, automatic suggestions for its values appear immediately. Furthermore, the filters can now be operated entirely with the keyboard. Filters can also be removed using the backspace key to get the desired search result even faster.

BookingChange logEMPPLAN APPEvents

EMPPLAN App: Event users can selectively accept and reject events

Event users can now also selectively accept or reject events in the EMPPLAN App using mass actions.

Change logProjects

Projects: Targets available to motivate event users

A new target module is available in the project management. This allows you to motivate your event users to taste or sell more. The targets can be defined in terms of quantity per product and product group (e.g. 3 products of product group XY, 5 tastings of pizza Z etc.). You can create different target profiles that you can use for the project’s event groups. These are then automatically transferred to the events. The profiles can always be customized again at all levels if necessary.

AccountingChange logReportingTransactions

Import of sales successes: Further fraud prevention for transactions integrated

A product ID check has been added to the import of sales successes. In addition to the order number, transactions can now also be validated with the product ID in order to update the billing status.

Change logEvent group reportReporting

Report management: Event group reports now also support images

Both the view of event group reports and the Excel export now support the Upload field type.

Change logEvent report

Report Management: Event reports evaluation now supporting new filters

In Event reports evaluation view now new filters are available: Event status, Event label, Event type, Event user and Location can be used beside Date range and Project filter

Change logReporting

Report Management: Search for fields in the report has been optimized

The search for fields that can be added to a report has been made more error-tolerant for entries,

BookingChange logEMPPLAN APPEvents

EMPPLAN APP: Promoters can now request locations / (Event location request)

If activated in the project, event users (e.g. promoters) can now independently request event locations for the implementation of promotions from their respective clients. You can find more information on this in the Training Center.

Change logDashboards

Customer dashboard: Events table now saves activated columns and their order

The events table in the customer dashboard now remembers the columns you have activated and their order. The Excel export now also takes this into account.

Change logEMPPLAN APPTransactions

EMPPLAN APP: Sales overview now constantly available again

The sales overview in transaction reporting was not displayed in some cases. This is now always displayed.

Change logEMMPLAN IO APIReporting

Connector module: Amazon S3 plugin available

With the new Amazon S3 plugin you can connect EMPPLAN to your Amazon S3 bucket within minutes. This allows you to integrate Amazon S3 for automated EMPPLAN data exports.

Change logReporting

Report Management: Formular-Designer-Performance optimiert

The Drag’n Drop Form Designer has been optimized for performance in order to efficiently process even large reports with over 100 fields in the questionnaire.

Change logLocationsProjects

Projects: Project locations updated

The management of project locations has been comprehensively updated and simplified. New locations can now be added to the project even faster via a guided process.


Connector module with plugins available

A new connector module enables efficient configuration of connections to other data sources. This means that a quick connection to BI solutions, Amazon S3, DATEV, SAP Cloud or other solutions is now possible. A high-performance UI allows you to set up new connection profiles within a short space of time. Authentication, data mapping and all configurations can be controlled via the EMPPLAN connector UI.