Customer limit for labels: customers cannot remove assigned labels
categoryBooking, Change log, Events
New action in event overview for admins: Event labels can be assigned
categoryChange log, Events
Promoter dashboard: event users can now accept many events with just one click
categoryChange log, Events
Report Management: Image uploads can now prioritize meta data for localization
categoryChange log, Reporting
Field service / Merchandiser Update: Events can be moved or deleted by event users
categoryBooking, Change log, Events
Data sparsity update: New features available for global anonymization of event users
categoryChange log, Events
Nutzermanagement: Filter lässt sich nach Nutzung nicht schließen
categoryChange log, User-Management
Transaction reports must now be assigned to projects analogous to all other reports
categoryChange log, Reporting
Events: Customer-specific location numbers available for location search
categoryChange log, Events
What does the billing status mean for sales transactions and which ones are there?
categoryAccounting, FAQ, Reporting, Transactions
tagAdmin, Credit note, FAQ, Invoice, Invoicing by means of credit notes, Promoter accounting, TC commissions, TC contract status
What options are there for fraud prevention in sales promotions and other types of promotion?
categoryEvents, FAQ, Reporting
How can I import or update locations in EMPPLAN? [Location import]
categoryFAQ, Location import, Location Management, Locations