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How can I import or update locations in EMPPLAN? [Location import]

categoryFAQ, Location import, Location Management, Locations
tagAdmin, FAQ, Import, Location

Locations are used in EMPPLAN to map the physical locations of your events, sales promotions or even customers, stores or retailers. At its core, location data contains address data with additional information according to your needs. These can be changed and expanded at any time, either individually or through manual or automated imports, and are enriched by EMPPLAN with additional Google Places data to provide you with optimum support.

Below we will show you how to import this data quickly and efficiently into EMPPLAN, even in large quantities.

Importing or updating locations is very easy in EMPPLAN. If you do not use an automated method via the EMPPAN IO API, you can also do this manually at any time. You can download an example CSV file here. The following columns can be included in your location data:

DatenbezeichnungSpaltentitel in Deiner .csvFeldmapping in EMPPLANDatenbeispielDatenanlieferungHinweise
Location Nr.frei wählbarnumberM-9781221erforderlichNutze hierfür eine eineindeutige Zeichenfolge, sodass Du auf Basis dieser den Datensatz jederzeit aktualisieren kannst.
Namefrei wählbarnamemedia-markt Baden-Badenerforderlich
Unternehmenfrei wählbaraddress.companymedia-markt Baden-Baden GmbHoptional
Straße Nr.frei wählbaraddress.streetnumberMusterstrasse 12erforderlich
Adresszusatzfrei wählbaraddress.additionalEinkaufszentrum Verkaufslandoptional
PLZfrei wählbaraddress.postal71229erforderlich
Ortfrei wählbaraddress.cityBaden-Badenerforderlich
Landfrei wählbaraddress.countryDEerforderlichBitte nutze hier den ISO 3166-2 Standard. Mehr dazu unter:
Kanalchannelkein Mapping nötigEinkaufscenter DeutschlanderforderlichStelle idealerweise sicher, dass der Kanal bereits in EMPPLAN vorhanden ist. Sollte es den Kanal in EMPPLAN noch nicht geben, wird dieser automatisch neu angelegt. Bitte beachte, dass der Kanal dann im Standard mit dem Land Deutschland verknüpft wird.
GebietareadistributionAreasSüd-WesterforderlichGebiete werden automatisch neu angelegt, wenn diese noch nicht vorhanden sind.
Markebrandkein Mapping nötigBest CoffeeerforderlichDie Marke muss bereits in EMPPLAN angelegt sein. Andernfalls ist kein Import möglich.
Projektprojectkein Mapping nötigKaffeemaschinenvertrieboptionalMöchtest Du die neue Location auch gleich auf einem Projekt aktivieren, musst diese Daten anliefern.
Produktgruppenfrei wählbarassociatedProductGroupsKaffee,BohnenkaffeeoptionalDies wird für Außendienstbesuche benötigt, um gelistete Produktgruppen abzubilden und damit auch das Reporting je Produktgruppe zu ermöglichen.
Aktivactivekein Mapping nötig1optionalWenn Du dieses Feld nicht anlieferst, wird die Location immer als aktiv importiert, wenn diese nicht schon vorhanden ist. Folgende Werte sind möglich:
- 1 für aktiv
- 0 für deaktiviert
Weitere Datenfeldersap_kundennummerkein Mapping nötigSAP-KundennummeroptionalDu kannst beliebig weitere Datenfelder importieren. Diese müssen nicht zugewiesen werden. Es ist stets der selbst vergebene technische Feldname im Spaltentitel zu verwenden. Dann weist EMPPLAN das Feld automatisch korrekt zu.

optional: location contact

If you also want to import the appropriate contact person for a location (so-called location contact; this person cannot log in to EMPPLAN), you must take the following additional columns into account

DatenbezeichnungSpaltentitel in Deiner .csvFeldmapping in EMPPLANDatenbeispielDatenanlieferungHinweise
E-Mailcontact_user_emailkein Mapping nötigjohn@doe.comerforderlich
Anredecontact_formOfAddresskein Mapping nötig##MaleFormOfAddresserforderlichDa die Anrede in alle verfügbaren EMPPLAN Sprachen übersetzt wird, musst Du hierfür einen der folgenden Slugs nutzen:
##FemaleFormOfAddress für Frau
##MaleFormOfAddress für Herr
##DiversFormOfAddress für Divers
Vornamecontact_user_namekein Mapping nötigJohnerforderlich
Nachnamecontact_user_surnamekein Mapping nötigDoeerforderlich
Positioncontact_user_positionkein Mapping nötigBereichsleiter Haushaltsgeräteerforderlich
Telefonnummercontact_user_phonekein Mapping nötig0123-1231123erforderlich

Once all the data has been maintained, save the file as a CSV in UTF-8 format with the field separator semicolon. Your data is now ready to be imported into EMPPLAN.

  2. Click on the double arrow icon in the table header.
  3. Select the file to be imported and click on CHECK DATA.
  4. Carry out a field mapping or field assignment. Of course, you can save the mapping as a profile so that you only have to select the profile the next time you import. Please note, however, that the column name in your source file must not change. When mapping, you define which fields in your file are to become which data in EMPPLAN.
  5. optional: Configure further mapping features under the MAPPINGVALUES tab
    On this settings tab, you can make further specific settings relating to location recognition and the update mode.

    • Setting the location detection
      Please note that your import data is matched to location name and zip code by default. If you want to change this import logic, you can select a different field to match your import data with the existing EMPPLAN data. To do this, click on OPEN ASSIGNMENT and select the field of your choice, e.g. one you have created yourself for an SAP location number.
    • Select update mode
      You use the update mode to specify what should happen to your inventory data. If you do not specify anything, EMPPLAN works in standard mode with existing data. You have the following modes to choose from:

      • Update territories and users (standard mode)
        This is the default mode if you do not select one. In this mode, no other data is changed, even if you supply additional data.
      • Update all data
        Attention: Please check your data to be imported carefully, as all assigned fields will be overwritten – even if your fields do not contain any information. If you supply channel and area data, the existing data will be replaced with this. If you are unsure, please do not use this mode, but use the “Update selected data” mode instead.
      • Update selected data
        This mode only changes data that you provide. Only assigned or contained data will be overwritten. No channel, area or location contacts can be updated in this mode. The location must already exist.
      • Update individual location data
        Only update fields from the “More data” location tab and location contacts. The channel must be included in data. The location must already exist.
  6. Now start the import by clicking on the button and take a look at the import log.

Hints & tips

  • Watch your data limit

    Please make sure that you do not create more than 10.000 records in one step / in one file. If you need a higher limit, please contact the EMPPLAN support team.

  • Channels

    Ideally, make sure that the channel already exists in EMPPLAN. If the channel does not yet exist in EMPPLAN, it will be created automatically. Please note that the channel is linked to the country Germany by default.

  • Territories

    Territories are automatically created if they do not yet exist.

  • More data

    Additional columns are of course possible. This allows you to store additional data at any time, which you can then view using fields you have created yourself in the Additional data tab. Please remember to use meaningful names for the column headers and only use letters and the minus sign, e.g. SAP product number. Numbers can be used, but not at the end of the technical field name.

    To make the data visible in EMPPLAN after import, you can simply create the fields under Locations in the Other data tab. For the technical field name, use exactly your column name from the import, e.g. SAP product number 1. As soon as you have created the field, the imported data will automatically appear in the locations.