Event Management

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The Events module is the heart of event planning, where you can map your event planning. Who is on the road with whom, when, where and with what task? On which days are there unstaffed or understaffed locations? You and your customer will find answers to all these questions and more here.

In EMPPLAN, an event stands for an assignment or a job that an employee (event user) carries out in a location (e.g. food market) on one day for a defined period of time.

The event calendar shows you event groups. You can combine several events in an event group if required. This makes sense if you want to send several employees to the same event at the same time. The location (place of assignment), event type (e.g. task / responsibility) and also the assignment time can differ for each employee. Of course, you can also create just one event per event group. This makes it easier if there are rescheduled appointments, as you can move the event group in the calendar using drag and drop and thus also the event.

As you can map sales and non-sales events with EMPPLAN, the Events module offers you many valuable features. Here are a few examples that digitally map and optimize your processes:

  • Quickly create many events over a longer period of time: with the series event function (e.g. booking assignments on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays for any number of employees for the next quarter)
  • Efficient employee swapping: with just a few clicks for series events that have already been created from a certain date
  • Import events: Import thousands of events in just a few seconds
  • Individualization of the calendar view: you decide which data the calendar should show you
  • Mapping field service assignments (area events): Simply specify the area and your event users book the location visits themselves
  • and much more.

Joint event planning with customers

For efficient work with your customers (e.g. brand / industry / customer’s own field service), you can assign project-specific customer accesses. This is the ideal way to digitize your workflow with your client. The following key features are available to you:

Your customer can…

  • Create events (customer requests) and optionally even staff them
  • Assign event group labels (e.g. for budget releases)
  • Store briefings for you (e.g. for the transmission of market agreements)
  • create new locations that do not yet exist and create events for them
  • define your own workflows that can be implemented using the labeling function
  • use project-specific dashboards and have your own KPIs calculated live
  • Export raw data
  • and much more.